I Told You It Would Fly Apart. It Is.
By Karl Denninger, The Market Ticker
Now Biden administration officials are telling people that “vaccine hesitancy” is about bringing the Biden Administration down.
“It’s being coordinated by people who have platforms and have an interest in bringing down the current administration.”
Oh please.
You really expect anyone to believe that Trump supporters are going to willingly die to destroy Joe Biden’s administration?
If they were really willing to die to ruin Biden’s administration some tiny percentage could simply decide he’s leaving office now. Given that we’re talking about 60 million people who voted for Trump it must be assumed that if even a tiny percentage decided that bitching wasn’t enough one or more would succeed and, of course, likely die.
But deliberately contract a deadly virus and choke on your own spit to ruin a sitting President’s administration?
You’re joking, right?
They really have gone all the way to clown world in DC folks.
The press secretary also pointed out that the administration has, for months, engaged with local community groups and pastors to handle the “door-to-door” sharing of information with neighbors about the vaccine.
Conveniently omitting, I’m sure that there are 9,000 death reports in VAERS associated with these shots. Contrast that against the flu shot, which also is given to about 170 million Americans a year — last year’s campaign of 170 million stabs, more or less, was associated with 26 deaths.
If these shots are so safe why are 400 times as many people on a per-shot basis dying in close association with taking them?
Why did the FDA just issue a warning about GBS with the J&J vaccine over an associated rate of about 1 in 125,000 shots where the death rate for the shots (associated, again, not proved) of about 1 in 16,000?
Last time I checked death is not treatable — GBS is, although sometimes the damage is both life-altering and permanent.
Oh, and look at this lie from Politico:
“The big misinterpretation that Fox News or whomever else is saying is that they are essentially envisioning a bunch of federal workers knocking on your door, telling you you’ve got to do something that you don’t want to do,” Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, said in an interview on Sunday. “That’s absolutely not the case, it’s trusted messengers who are part of the community doing that — not government officials. So that’s where I think the disconnect is.”
Oh really?
Well Politico, how long did it take for Fauci to get caught lying about there being no plans to mandate anything that someone doesn’t want to do?
Fauci says vaccines should be mandated at the local level but the federal government will not mandate them.
Oh, so he’ll just try to get others to mandate them but he won’t because HE CAN’T AND HE KNOWS IT.
Why would I believe these shots work when the chief advocate got caught lying about his desires and intentions by explicitly advocating for forced shots while at the same time saying that was not the intent?
In other news South Carolina’s AG recently sent one of their colleges a rather strict warning: Their plan to treat non-vaccinated students in a punitive way, including masks and weekly testing, is illegal. They backed down.
In Tennessee Dr. Michelle Fiscus who had attempted to argue they could vaccinate minors without parental consent, and was part of the TN DOH running social media ads advocating for kids to get the shots, has been fired. Good. I hope that whackjob finds a position worthy of her level of competence in the fast-food industry. Of course, as expected, that evil bitch went and whined to CNN, which dutifully gave her a place to play cry room in the national media.
Meanwhile as we know Democrats are all in the tank for masks, still, the Texas Democratic Caucus was photographed on an airplane with not a mask in sight. Yes, a chartered flight but wait…. I thought if you didn’t wear a mask on any transportation under federal regulation you were breaking regulations and would be expelled since you are clearly a mass-murderer? I guess the personal decision to be vaccinated against Covid-19 (or not) is good enough for the entire Democratic Caucus of the Texas Legislature.
Isn’t that very same principle good enough for everyone else?
On the backs of all this we have a new study, that I reported on, showing that there is no benefit to hospitalization or death in elderly people who take the flu shot. That’s been yet another scam and lie run for the last several decades — that it’s “highly effective”, especially in elderly people. Nope — this study across an utterly huge number of medical incidents, over a hundred million medical encounters and over 7 million deaths spanning a couple of decades says the flu shot in older people is bull****; the shot does nothing to keep elderly people from being seriously attacked by the flu and either winding up in the hospital or dead.
Meanwhile the evidence is overwhelming that early treatment with inexpensive drugs against Covid-19 works. Every time? Nope. Nothing works against anything 100% of the time — ask those who got Covid after being vaccinated.
I predicted that this entire mess was going to blow up in Biden’s face and get Trump too, who tried to play cute at CPAC the other day about Covid and his magic shots. More and more evidence comes out almost on a daily basis that there was no noble anything about any component of the BS all the way back to the start; it was all false and maliciously so, if for no other reason than money.
CNN will never give it up and ultimately it will destroy their network. It already is; their viewership is reduced at this point to a bunch of screaming Karens cowering under their beds pissing in their own pants. They’re still running the give us two weeks nonsense about how we’re all gonna die even in the face of CDC hospitalization data which tells the tale; it’s over, Delta or otherwise, shots or no shots. Giving anyone airtime to talk about mandates (that’s demanding you take the shot at literal gunpoint) is beyond insanity — this is a virus that almost always kills people who have put themselves at risk over the space of decades through their own behavior.
Let’s take another example to make clear exactly how stupid such a debate about mandates is: HIV. There is now available a drug cocktail called “PrEP” (two of them, at least actually) that are formulated into one pill and are quite effective at reducing the risk of getting HIV. It’s not 100% (nothing is) but the data says it works more than 99% of the time.
Should anyone have the right to mandate that everyone take it all the time including those who never engage in either anal sex or IV drug use, on the principle that you might get the virus anyway? After all you might get anally raped even as a kid, right?
Would you tolerate such a demand at gunpoint to go to school, see a baseball game or be employed or would you give anyone who tried to force you to take that drug a damn good reason to need it themselves by screwing them up the ass in response?
Note that this medication is safer than the Covid-19 shots on the data. It’s also more effective at preventing HIV infection than Covid shots are at preventing Covid; the data says PrEP is effective well over 99% of the time, which none of the shots claim for the Coof. But it is not risk-free; it can have severe health impacts including both kidney and liver failure and both of those can, in rare instances, kill you.
Those who have a reason to use PrEP for HIV can access and use it at their election, and for some people it makes sense.
The same sort of risk split is true for Covid; those who do not have any of a relatively short list of conditions are at minuscule risk from this virus and with early treatment with safe drugs the risk of a bad outcome is reduced even further. For those who are at high risk using prophylaxis, including the vaccines even with their associated risk of death might pencil out.
But forcing people to take them is another matter when anyone who believes they are at enhanced risk can take the shot themselves, exactly as is the case for HIV PrEP.
Don’t be stupid!
Even Fox, which was solidly in the tank on this thing, is starting to crack their 100% positive coverage; all shots, all the time. Not so much now with the J&J news at the top of the masthead.
The core breach on the Covid bull**** is accelerating.
PS: If you want an individual risk assessment that allegedly adjusts for your location and community prevalence of the virus you can find one that Hopkins’ has online here. IMHO it overstates the impact of age; the NY Coroner data backs that up, but I’m quibbling in that regard. In addition it presumes no early treatment and does not adjust for things like using Vitamin D supplements in the winter, which has a strong inverse association with mortality — so it’s a worst case guess, and one that anyone should be able to improve upon. It also gives no credit for prior infection whatsoever (it doesn’t ask), which we know, scientifically, is bull**** and thus should get everyone involved in publishing it drawn, quartered and the remains fed to feral hogs. Since their tool is a monthly risk and the vaccine makers are already pushing for boosters every six months to a year multiply by 12 and remember that on the same rules as the CDC uses for Covid death — that is, positive test within 30 days — the jabs carry an unadjusted (that is, not for morbidity factors) risk of death of 1 in about 16,000. The standard for vaccines in general, since infection with the agent is never certain, is that the vaccine should be one hundred times less likely to kill you than the infection itself. If you are at particularly high risk (for example, with a raging infection in the population as was the case this winter) then 1 in 10 might be acceptable.
It is never acceptable if the risk of the vaccine is greater than the risk of natural infection; anyone trying to coerce such an action is, on balance and on the facts trying to kill you and thus deserves an immediate, forceful and if necessary violent response in-kind.
One final note: By Hopkins’ numbers even for a 65 year old who is (controlled) diabetic and hypertensive and obese (5’11 250lbs) the math still does not favor the shot as the odds are, roughly-speaking, even between infection and the vaccines. Yeah, the fraud on these jabs is that bad folks, the people running this bull**** know it and every one of them should be in prison or worse for what they’ve done.